
Cuisine of Hawaii

Hawaiian cuisine showcases a mix of five distinct culinary traditions, mirroring the rich food history shaped by settlement and immigration in the Hawaiian Islands. In ancient times, Polynesian voyagers introduced plants and animals to the islands, while Native Hawaiians practiced traditional farming methods and cooked using earth ovens. Following European contact in 1778, European and […]

American Drinks Mediterranean

Cel-Ray (drink)

Cel-Ray is a soft drink with a distinctive celery flavor, produced by Dr. Brown’s. Known for its kosher certification, it is commonly found in Jewish delicatessens, restaurants, and specialty grocers in Israel, as well as American food specialty stores. The flavor, extracted from celery seed, offers a unique taste akin to ginger ale but with […]


American chocolate cookies with cracks

Crackled chocolate cookies, beloved treats from modern American cuisine, are enjoyed worldwide for their unique appearance and rich chocolate taste, typically associated with Christmas but available year-round, revolutionizing the world of confectionery with their crispy exterior and gooey center reminiscent of a “Brownie.” Give it a try and enjoy!


American cuisine

American cuisine, a fusion of influences from various cultures, is characterized by its diverse range of traditional dishes and cooking styles. Influences stem from European, Indigenous American, African, Latin American, Asian, and Pacific Islander cultures, resulting in a rich culinary tapestry. Notable regional heritages such as Cajun, Tex-Mex, and Pennsylvania Dutch contribute to the unique […]