
Egyptian cuisine

Egyptian cuisine relies heavily on ingredients sourced from the fertile Nile Valley and Delta, including poultry, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Signature dishes encompass rice-stuffed vegetables, grape leaves, hummus, falafel, shawarma, kebab, and kofta. Other notable offerings include ful medames, a dish of mashed fava beans; koshary, a blend of lentils and pasta; and molokhiyya, a […]

African Drinks

Karkade, Hibiscus tea (drink)

Karkade, also known as carcade, derives from the Arabic word “كركديه [kæɾkæˈdeː],” and is a vibrant red or burgundy herbal tea imbued with a sweet and tangy flavor. Crafted from the dried calyxes of the rosella flower, or Sudan rose (Latin: Hibiscus sabdariffa), a member of the Hibiscus genus, this beverage offers a unique sensory […]


Egyptian shakshuka

Shakshuka is a great weekend breakfast recipe when you don’t want to fuss and at the same time want something delicious. Give it a try and enjoy!

African Asian Australia and Oceania Latin American

Coconut milk (drink)

Coconut milk, derived from grated mature coconut pulp, is a creamy, opaque liquid prized for its richness and distinct flavor, largely owed to its high oil content, primarily saturated fat. It holds a significant place in the culinary traditions of Southeast Asia, Oceania, South Asia, and East Africa, with further culinary applications extending to the […]